I decided to take a different route for this newsletter and write about how The Bismarck-Mandan Elks Lodge #1199 writes about itself. My objective is to communicate with you about how we communicate with you and converse with you about the many ways we encourage you to converse with us.
As with many a large enterprise, your Elks Lodge is participating in a number of today’s preferred communication mediums, not the least of which is our Facebook page. We have an active and growing Facebook community, (Facebook.com/ElksLodge), eager to share with the lodge and its members, their comments, check-ins, pictures, video, and general banter. Be sure to “Like” us. We promise to “Like” you back!
Our web site, www.BisManElks.com is another great online source for Elks information, including the most recent and long-term calendar of events for the lodge. Whether it’s “Winey Monday,” “Steak Fry Tuesdays,” or “Seafood Saturday”, or “Football Sunday,” the web site has all the dates, times and special information pertinent to each event. If the Elks is involved in the event, it’ll be on the web site. Also on the web site is the history of the club and its famous TR Bar; names and pictures of current officers and trustees; the numerous benefits of membership; the many ways to reach us; details about our charitable activities and of course, pretty pictures of the club and its interior features!
A big shout out to Esteemed Lecturing Knight Chad Gasser for resuscitating a good, but admittedly neglected website and keeping it alive with the attention and nourishment it so greatly requires. Gasser is also keeping our Twitter account fed with current events and content. We encourage you to follow us: @BisManElks (Twitter.com/BisManElks). Lastly, Gasser and GM Chad Stockwell manage our Texting program. This handy feature currently alerts your phone with lunch, drink, and event specials. Get a FREE Drink and get entered for your chance to WIN a $25 Gift Certificate by joining. Simply text ELKS to 51660 and follow the prompts. We promise not to bug you too much!
A second world wide web site resides when you plug in “1199” into the “Lodge Locator” on the Grand Lodge web site, www.Elks.org. PER (05-06) and current State President Larry Larson maintains this site, which is also chock full of useful information relevant to our lodge.
Encompassing a much smaller geographical area, but still with an impressive number of views is the marquee on the corner of Washington and Bismarck Expressway. There, our “creative abbreviation team” posts information related mostly to big events featuring live music. Yes, we have looked – and continue to look – into an electronic sign at that spot. But at this point, funding and zoning are hurdles we will need to overcome.
If you’re looking for a more traditional form of communication, the publication you are currently reading certainly qualifies. The Elks News is our longest serving publication distributed to roughly 5000 current members, lifetime members, spouses of deceased members, and friends and lodge guests who ask nicely. Readers like to check out the calendar, lunch and dinner menus, articles about and pictures of Elks #1199 events, as well as articles written by the secretary, gaming manager, general manager, Elks Chorus and yours truly. Typically, we mail 11 issues a year, with July and August being a joint publication. If you’re interested in advertising, contact the good folks at The Printers. They’ll gladly take your call.
But the best – and most genuine – form of communication is when the officers, trustees, managers and team members can converse with you, face-to-face in the club. We learn a lot, even from the quickest of conversations, about your likes, dislikes, wants, and needs as lodge members. Your officers, trustees, managers and team members are easy to spot, as we are typically clothed in Elks logo attire. We encourage your input, ideas, and critiques. All are welcome and necessary as we continue to strive for a better Bismarck-Mandan Elks Lodge #1199.
It is my sad duty to announce the deaths of James Tschaekofske, Ronald Putz, Lee Selland, Kenney Weishaar, George Kary, Rodney Iverson and Ray Wetch. May their virtues be written on the tablet of love and memory.
Michael Lindblom
Exalted Ruler