It has been said that time flies when you’re having fun! That certainly has been the case with my Bismarck-Mandan Elks Lodge #1199 membership! Sixteen years ago, my father proposed me for membership. Since then, I have met a LOT of great people, made lifelong friendships and found opportunities to serve the club and community through Seafood and Burger Teams, Hoop Shoot, and now as an officer for the past 5 years. But none of that would have happened if someone hadn’t proposed me and I hadn’t joined! All my father had to do was ASK.
Who makes a good Elks member prospect? How about your sons, daughters, parents, spouse, aunts, uncles, cousins, colleagues, clients, and customers? Other potential members could include your stylist/barber, insurance agent, dentist, doctor, or chiropractor. My point is; there are countless people in your life whose lives can be greatly enriched because of the friendships and volunteer opportunities you presented to them through Elks membership. They’re also people who can help us make this a larger and stronger organization.
Why should they join? Aside from access to a great dining room, two bars, men’s and women’s fitness centers, the lodge floor and other meeting rooms, their membership dues help us accomplish our charitable objectives and fund projects that improve the quality of life in Bismarck-Mandan. The Hoop Shoot, Soccer Shoots, Elks Scholarships, Social & Community Welfare Committee, Drug Awareness, Children’s Christmas Party, and Camp Grassick are just a few of the programs funded by your lodge dues.
Today, proposing a new member is easier than ever. Simply pick up a paper application at the lodge or download one at: You can also go to, where, on the upper left hand side of the page, you will find a link entitled, “Invite a Friend to Join.”
If you have questions on how to complete an application simply find an officer, a doorman or an Elks team member. Or, you can ask Arlan Scholl, Annette Scholl, and Mark Webster, who hold the distinction of being the top three proposers in the last two years. When it comes to finding new members, in most cases, all you have to do is ASK!
We just completed our 10th Annual Elks 1199/Miller Lite Charity Golf Tournament on May 30th. Watch for results in next month’s newsletter. A huge thanks to Chairman Keith Ulmer and his loyal crew of workers who did an excellent job of running this event. Thanks also to the many hole sponsors and of course to all of the golfers that helped provide funds to our charities.
Coming up this summer at the Elks, we are looking forward to Wednesday’s “Grilled Burgers on the Deck” and “Music on the Patio.” Also, look for a new selection of tap beers in the lower lounge.
June 14th marks Flag Day, a day set aside to honor “Old Glory.” Many people may not know, but the official observance of Flag Day has its roots in the Elks organization. In 1911, the Elks Grand Exalted Ruler first suggested “Elks Flag Day” be observed on June 14th. The Elks’ observance, along with other state and local celebrations eventually inspired President Truman (himself a member of the Elks) to sign legislation proclaiming June 14th as National Flag Day.
Completing out the month will be our annual “Burgers, Brats, and Beer” stand on the west side of the building, to coincide with the 40th Annual Sam McQuade Senior/Budweiser Charity Softball Tournament. Even if you’re not participating in the tournament, we encourage you to stop down for some great grilled food, June 26-28!
It is my sad duty to announce the death of Patrick Jund, Miles Gradin, Don Rysavy, Jerold Hoirup and Darwin Vander Vorst. May their virtues be written on the tablet of love and memory.