Happy New Year!! It will take us all a bit of time to get used to writing “2015,” but the new year promises to be one filled with good times and happy moments. Of course that all depends upon each of us…are we looking for the positives in each situation that we come across? Are we trying to look at things from the perspective of the other person? Are we following one of the most important Elks precepts? “The faults of our members we write upon the sand, their virtues on the tablets of love and memory.” It seems to me that if we all try to do this in every situation, from less than wonderful service at a local restaurant to the person that cuts us off in traffic, we just may help things to go a little better all the way around.
December was a very busy month at our Elks Lodge and I would like to thank all of the amazing volunteers that made things happen. From the Hoop Shoot to the Children’s Christmas Party to a very special Memorial Service involving the Vietnam Veteran’s Motorcycle Club, the common denominator in each event are the amazing VOLUNTEERS that help to make things work smoothly. A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED!
The raffle for the sporty new Camaro is underway and we have about two months left to sell tickets before the car is given away. This raffle is our largest fundraiser of the year and we want to be able to give as much as possible to Camp Grassick and other charities. Please dig out those tickets that were sent to you and either purchase them yourself or sell them to friends who wouldn’t mind winning a new car. Remember, you do not have to be an Elks member to win. Thanks in advance for your efforts on behalf of the kids at Camp Grassick!
2015 promises many fun events so please check out what’s coming up by reading the front of this newsletter, become a friend of Bismarck-Mandan Elks Lodge on FACEBOOK or just stop in when you get a chance. One of the events that I am particularly looking forward to is the Brothers Keepers Chili Cook-Off on January 10th. Proceeds from this event benefits Military Ovation. This group provides comfort and services to families of military members whose Mom, Dad, husband or wife are deployed away from home. I would like to personally challenge those of you who think you have a good chili recipe to step up and enter your chili in this competition. The goal is 50 chili entries so let’s get cooking! Looking for a good place to watch your favorite football team? Check out the TR bar upstairs at your Elks Lodge! I can’t think of a better place to cheer on your favorite team.
Lastly, we continue to be the largest Elks Lodge in the nation with nearly 4500 members. We are always looking for more members, but more importantly we need the members that we have to utilize their Lodge as much as possible. Being a Benevolent and Protective Order, we thrive on the business generated by our true and upright members to do great things in our community. Please support your Elks Lodge!
Terry Lincoln, Exalted Ruler
Bismarck-Mandan Lodge #1199