Fulfilling our mission of helping those in need, the Elks recently purchased, assembled, and delivered enough food to to feed 780 Bismarck- Mandan area grade school, middle school, and high school students for one weekend in March.
The effort is part of the MSA United Wa y’s “Backpack” program, a bi-weekly program designed to give weekend meals to the estimated 27% of area students who qualify for free or reduced lunches. If it weren’t for this program, many of these students would go hungry over the weekend.
The Elks donated $2,000 and roughly 60-man hours to the program. Thank you to Paul Frank & Andrea Edstrom-Frank, Chad Gasser, Randy & Paula Amelsberg, Dennis Hensel, Michael & Lynn Lindblom, Rich & Char Skjonsby, Larry & Phyllis Larson, Jeff & Robin Carlson, and Steve Vaughan for assembling the bags. Big thanks also to Michael Lindblom, Steve Vaughan, Chad Gasser, Jeff Carlson (2 routes), Rod & Jake Bakken, Rick & Colby DeBolt, and Keith Ulmer & John Lundby for delivering to 8 routes in Bismarck- Mandan.