So many thank you letters!
Elks Members you can be extremely proud of the work your Lodge has done to promote youth activity and many other causes. The Dictionary Program, which was adopted two years ago by Bismarck-Mandan Lodge 1199, has been a huge success. This program is directed to 3rd grade students and will kick off again this year in all schools. Teachers and Students were very grateful for the dictionary which it not your typical little dictionary. They are personalized with the Elks Logo and the each students name. Stuffed with sign language, periodic tables and many other great uses. This has not only had a impact on the students and teachers in our communities but also us as Elks Members. We should be humbled for all the good work done in the name of ELKS. Below is only one of “Many Thank You” letters written by 3rd grade student’s and teachers!
Dear Elks Club
Thank you for the dictionaries! I have a question for you club, what does a Elks club do? I also want to know how old you have to be to join. I also want to know how awesome you are! I hope a dictionary can help me with a lot of things. I also hope that your day is a great one!