Bismarck Mandan Elks Lodge 1199 brings so much more to the community than just a restaurant and bar. Besides our major charity involvement, it’s a place where people come to enjoy the lodge and build friendships. When you walk into the doors of our Elks lodge you will be greeted with a welcoming, friendly atmosphere and a club filled with rich history.
Between a wide variety of activities on the lodge floor, pull tabs, blackjack, billiards and darts upstairs in our historic TR Bar, weekly live entertainment, warm summer nights filled with music on the outdoor patio, workout equipment in our mens’ and womens’ exercise facilities or a game on one of our many televisions, there’s always something going on at the lodge.
Stop by and join us for night out at the Bismarck Mandan Elks Lodge 1199!
See why Members come to the Elks…….
“My Family members have been members of the Elks for years – I’ve always enjoyed coming here.” -Jill S.
“Aside from the good things the Elks does for the community, the Elks is a great place to see friends and make new friends. You would be surprised how many friends and co-workers you already know here!” – Michael L.
So many thank you letters! Elks Members you can be extremely proud of the work your Lodge has done to promote youth activity and many other causes. The Dictionary Program, which was adopted two years ago by Bismarck-Mandan Lodge 1199, has been a huge success. This program is directed to 3rd grade students and will kick off again this year in all schools. Teachers and Students were very grateful for the dictionary which it not your typical little dictionary. They are personalized with the Elks Logo and the each students name. Stuffed with sign language, periodic tables and many other great uses. This has not only had a impact on the students and teachers in our communities but also us as Elks Members. We should be humbled for all the good work done in the name of ELKS